TANKAR MEANS – sound made by stings of gushing arrow. Legacy of Tankar started in 1934 by Late Shri. Sagarmalji Surana and Late Shri. Bachhrajji Daga. Now 3rd generation is taking the brand to next level. The Foundation of the First factory was way back in 1934 the pre independence Era in Calcutta now Kolkata “City of joy “Our first generation entrepreneur not only faced hard ship of pre Independence but carried goods on his head to deliver and meet his commitments to satisfy his customers. By Late 1960s “ Tankar “ became an Ayurvedic brand without which every household was incomplete & went on to become number one ayurvedic oil and pain reliever brand in undivided India.

Today we speak in tons of aloe vera. With his vision and thinking the brand made its first ayurvedic cool oil using aloe vera way back in 1934 with the name of Ghrit Kumari. His quality commitment was implacable that regular usage of this ayurvedic cool oil will keep your scalp healthy and you always feel energetic and also improves your ability and increase your stamina and mental comfort to work in the harshest of summer. Surya Chemical Works has switched it’s operation to Surya Herbal Care Pvt. Ltd. which was formed on 28-02-2008, our sub brands are Mustry perfume & upcoming brand Nyara which will be dealing in cosmetic products.

We still follow the same legacy, process and original formulation of 1934 while meeting the requirements of Drug Controller Authorities. We still have the purest and still the most advanced and effective scalp solution and pain reliever oils in India.

Contact us

139 – Old China Bazzar Street, Sagar Niwas,
Kolkata - 700001


9am - 5:30pm   |   +91 9830588909
